
MoveMan Live Linker

Installer to install on the SQL server to automatically transfer data to the MoveMan Live service for leads and job satisfaction surveys.

Num locker

This can be used to fix issue in Microsoft Office where the Num Lock get switched off.

Office Converter Pack

Microsoft Office Converter Pack to ensure MoveMan can open all graphic files if a full copy of Office is not already installed.

MoveMan Shared Documents Archiver

Installer for application to automatically move shared documents into sub-folders for each year for archive purposes.

The following prerequisites are required:
   • .NET Framework 3.5 SP1

MoveMan SQL Data Updater

Installer for application to automatically update MoveMan SQL data and provide utility services.

The following prerequisites are required:
   • .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
   • Windows Installer 3.1

MoveMan Large Job Board

Installer for large job board designed for full HD TVs, contact MoveMan for a licence to use.

The following prerequisites are required:
   • Windows Installer 4.5
   • Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile (x86 and x64).